NAVAL Engineering is an exciting career that offers challenge, excitement and satisfaction. This is an opportunity to take advantage of your skills in math and science in a career in technology both traditional and avant-garde. You can be a recognized professional one using the industries most honored and history of America in a technical field where you can see the product and be proud of your efforts.

As the naval engineer, you can design, build, maintain, or use different ships as aircraft carriers and submarines of the Navy, Coast Guard cutters or commercial, passenger ships and cargo.

The selection is a naval engineer will lead to a wide range of engineering and physical capacity.

Career Path:

Combat systems and technologies related to command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) represents the areas most exciting, challenging and constantly changing in naval engineering. Weapons systems are guns, missiles, torpedoes, and the weapons carried by aircraft of the Navy. Their designs include the location of the ship-ment and integration of equipment such as radar, sonar, periscopes, launchers, and missile control systems (including lasers and satellites). Weapons design, installation and operation requires a wide range of disciplines, including avionics for management of air, a chemical engineer for propulsion, electronics for monitoring and guidance and control, physical acoustics and electro-optics, and engineering industries for loading, rotation and elevation of ballistic weapons.


Research, development, testing and evaluation of tenders for the naval engineer a unique collaborative and creative to do with the scientists. The process of developing an engineering design begins with the theoretical and ideas, and proceeds by scientific analysis, feasibility studies, data collection and data analysis, modeling and simulation design, manufacture, model testing, assessment of the sea, and final approval. RDT & E depends on the physical sciences such as physics, chemistry and metallurgy. This naval engineering field covers the entire spectrum of engineering and scientific disciplines, and covers issues such as advanced hull forms, the behavior of ships at sea, and the development of new materials and technical processes.
